As well as investigating some of Gloucester's biggest haunted historical locations, G.P.I.S also do private investigations for people that are experiencing paranormal activity in their homes, some of which are living in fear of this activity and need answers to what is causing it and occasionally need help in trying to remove it.
G.P.I.S also hold occasional public events and presentations of their evidence and also hold talks on the paranormal at certain local shows where the public can get a more in depth perspective of the kind of research they do and how they do it.
How we conduct investigations: G.P.I.S always plan and prepare for every investigation they do thoroughly so they can get the best results from the location their investigating. They start with an informal meeting where they meet the owners and have a basic look around the location and talk about what kind of activity they have experienced. They then research as much historical information as possible about the location.
G.P.I.S then conduct what they call a recon investigation of the location which takes place during the daytime where they interview anyone that has experienced paranormal activity there and also conduct baseline readings to try and find any natural phenomena like electrical sources, drafts etc that could give them false readings on the main investigation. During their recon investigations they usually encounter some kind of paranormal activity themselves that enables them to find certain areas of interest that can be focused on more during the all night investigation. Recons allow G.P.I.S to go away and thoroughly plan the main investigation properly, knowing where to place static cams, EMF devices etc to try and capture the best evidence.
Being a tech paranormal team G.P.I.S set up a nerve center so that they can monitor every part of the location in real time and respond quickly to any paranormal activity that may occur, any activity that is missed by investigators is recorded and later found during a full analysis of the investigation where full reports are written and eventually videos are produced for the media to show their evidence.
Paul Cowmeadow
Co-founder/Lead Investigator
Ed Francis
Co-founder/Lead Investigator